About me

My name is [Student], and I am a student at FSW.  Though I enter the teaching program in the fall, my journey to this point was not always so decisive.  Before this point, I was just taking classes in subjects that interested me, primarily math.  It was not until I was in calculus I that I was approached with the suggestion to become a teacher.  The idea weighed on me.  I was always the go-to person when a classmate needed help, and I always believed that the best way to learn something is to try and teach it.  To have a career where I can continuously learn, and to have others succeed, seemed ideal to me.  I decided to take introductory classes this semester, to see if this path was the one for me.  It seems to be so.

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy, as cliche as it sounds, is to promote lifelong learning.  But that is not my only belief.  I hope for progress, for the students to see how far they have come.  I want to promote interest in the students, to help them during their period of self-discovery.  I personally find that a mix of interactive lecture and project-based learning is a good teaching method.  I also believe in the importance of flexibility, so my teaching methods may change in response to the student needs.

Course Expectations

When I first signed up for this course, I thought it would be a filler class.  I did not expect to do more than learn about Smartboards and review Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.  I was wrong, in the best way possible.  Before this class, I was reluctant to use and learn about new technology.  I did not even have basic things like a Twitter account.  This class encouraged me not only to use technology effectively, but to constantly explore and try new tools.  This class also helped me to improve my writing ability, which I admit could definitely use work.  Overall this was a worthwhile class and I would recommend something similar to this for all college students.

Instructional Resources


I love Numberphile and think it could be a great part of a technology-based library.  This website is a collection of videos funded by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), with the purpose of teaching interesting math theory and applications.  As someone who intends to teach secondary level math, such a site could be useful to me.  Many students do not enjoy math because they do not find it interesting, or they don’t see how they would ever use it.  This website shows some of the many ways math can be used, even in everyday life.

Wikimedia Commons

I find that Wikimedia Commons is a great technology-based library.  This site has a massive source of all kinds of media.  Gifs, pictures, videos, and other sources can be found quickly and easily.  Most of the media is common domain, and it allows for ease of use without worry.  Not only that, but there is a citation tool to help properly cite the media that one uses.  It is a great source for people who do not want to use standard clipart and the like.


The website Easelly works as part of a Technology-Based Textbook.  This website is a tool which helps create eye-pleasing and easy to ensemble infographics.  This could work well as a way to break down information into easy to understand chunks.  The visuals could make for a more eye-catching presentation instead of relying on normal paper handouts.


This week we were introduced to an educational website called OpenEd.  While the website can be used in a variety of ways, it seems it may be best used as a Technology-Based Library.  The website contains a massive array of lesson plans and common core reference material.  There was also supplemental information provided, and students can join to have an interactive educational experience.


I find that Wolfram Alpha is very useful to me.  The website is great as a Technology-Based Textbook and a Technology-Based Teaching Tool.  It has a massive database of a large number of topics, and I frequently use it for math calculation and explanation.  The website acts great as a textbook and teaching tool, topics are explained, examples are shown, and the user can solve problems that the site provides.  When one is struggling, the site can solve a problem and give a step-by-step solution process.  I currently use it as a student and I can see myself continuing to use it as a teacher.


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